Week Endings: The un-banged, Prince Harry, Zach Braff and Ohhh Munn
Tired of talking about your own divorce, ex or relationship? Why not obsess over someone else's? Here's the skinny on celeb splits.
via Wikipedia
You can still call her Queen Bee
Prince Harry, the little brother none of us would mind being bugged by, and Cressida Bonas, made famous mostly because of her British name every American would fuck up either in pronunciation or spelling, have broken up, according to a "confirmed source" and the ultimate confirmer of sources, People mag. The prince is 29 and his former lady-friend is only 24, so I am not sure why this is big news as our tender 20s were made for hook-ups and heartbreaks, the drinking of shite beer and the not-having of cellulite. "Cressy," however much she is reportedly both too "needy" (the easiest of all go-tos from that decade of life, followed too closely by "totally psycho") and wanting to concentrate on her career, was spotted post-split "picking a healthy takeout from a juice bar", People reports, while Harry was doing royal do-gooder duties. It was "amicable" (phew). Pretty sure they are both going to be OK.
No Scrubs
Zach Braff, who really never needed to do anything other than stand against the flowered wallpaper in his flowered shirt in Garden State, has uncoupled from model Taylor Bagley. The two had a five-year relationship before his rep released a statement that they'd be continuing their friendship, but not all the other stuff. Remember when he was all quirky-dorky-funny on Scrubs and dating Mandy Moore? Yeahh, those were adorable times.
A super-old pic, but only because it is via Wikipedia
No news is old news
Olivia Munn and Joel Kinnamon "ended things a few months ago," which is news you just KNOW is killing the editors at US, forcing them to retaliate in true "insider-y" fashion by giving the story an EXCLUSIVE bolded, italicized headline. Joel Kinna-who? Apparently, he is on The Killing, a cult-status Netflix show I am way too lazy to download or upload or put a password in to watch. Munn, however, is killing it on on Newsroom, which should just return to my easy-to-turn-on television already. She once had a thing with JT, so here's hoping that set a solid precedent for dating dudes who have it going on as much as she does.
Farewell, un-fake hair
Catherine Zeta-Jones broke up with her bangs for a red carpet walk for last night's Lincoln Center's Chaplin Award Gala in NYC. This is major, you guys. Especially since US is reporting that lots of celebrities clip-in bangs "for style variety." But not CZJ. Ohhhh, no. Her savvy stylist blew them out and swept them to the side. For the record, ending it with a coif, even for one spotlight strut, is a lot easier than splitting with an A-list husband. Go on, mama. You make 44 look pretty effing fabulous with all that forehead - and Michael Douglas.