Small change = big deal

When you make that checklist of things you need to change to be a healthier you, the more crowded the paper gets, the more anxiety you might feel. Been there? I have, so caught in the overwhelm that I am not sure what or how to tackle my diet, exercise, sleep, an inbox jammed with thousands of emails, a tax deadline that is ticking closer and closer, And then it feels easier to do nothing at all. The price for ducking out on that self-care checklist, though, is continuing on exhausted, stressed out, unhappy and with that generalized blergh feeling. No bueno. 

So how do you break down all those changes to create a year of self-care — and maybe even HAPPY — for yourself? Brett Blumenthal joins us on this episode to talk about the 52 weekly steps to a healthier, more joyful, relaxed and rested you. 

No matter what day the calendar says, this could be your new year. Listen in. 

Show Notes:

Brett Blumenthal gives you strategy for making small changes at  and Sheer Balance.

Her books, including 52 Small Changes for the Mind, can be purchased here

Follow Brett on Facebook.